Advantages of Using Mobile Learning for Sales Team
Needless to say, that sales team influences a customer’s final decision. They are directly responsible for generating revenues and helping the business to achieve its targeted growth. Therefore, their training should create such an impact that can add value to their work and performance. And this is why organisations have dropped the old instructor-led training methods in recent years. They have started using mobile learning to provide advanced sales training to their employees.
Salespeople are some of the busiest people in an organisation, and mobile learning offers an excellent way to capitalise on their free time while they travel or wait for meetings. M-learning provides quick updates to the sales team in real-time, thus offering them critical insights at the time of need.
Here are the top advantages of using mobile learning for the sales team:
Training on-the-go
The sales team is always travelling for various business purposes. In such a scenario, it is not feasible for them to be present physically for sales training. However, using a mobile learning app, the sales team can access training content from anywhere, anytime. They can go through a module whenever they have free time, even in between meetings. Designing a training module that is fit for mobile-based learning ensures that sales team have access to the training content all the time.
Bite-sized learning
Mobile training is developed considering the short attention span of the learners. Since sales team mostly access the training during transit or breaks, you can create small bite-sized learning modules and provide just-in-time information to them. Such short bursts of content help them stay updated even while on-the-go to retain and recollect the information in a better way. Moreover, the use of short videos, audios, infographics, and animations makes sales training more engaging.
Instant content updates
The sales team has to be well-versed with every detail and feature of your product or service. Updating them about the new product might become a daunting task as you need to assemble the sales team from different locations in one place. In a mobile learning app, the content is usually cloud-based and can be updated quickly. So whenever you need to update your sales team about new training content, you can simply make changes in the cloud, and deliver the updated course instantly. By using the push notification feature, you can also send the training related updates as notifications on their mobile screens.
The sale is a performance-based job, and employees aim to achieve their target to make the highest number of sales. Using the gamification elements in your training content, you can drive a healthy competition among the sales team to ensure better sales outcomes. For example, you can display leaderboards to show everyone’s assessment scores in the group. You can also give top scorers badges as a reward for the completed training tasks. It not only improves the engagement but also motivates your employees to perform better.
Performance analytics
When you invest in employee training, you would want to have an in-depth analysis of the training program and learners’ performance. By using your mobile LMS’ analytics tools, you can get accurate data on how your sales team is interacting with training content or a specific course module. The analytics report can also give you insights into the learning behaviour and preferences of your employees. You can also integrate the sales performance reports with your mobile learning platform to have a comprehensive view of the sales team’s performance metrics.
Salespersons interact with many people every day, and therefore you should provide them with training that reflects your brand, product, and service value. When you use mobile learning for sales training, it ensures that your sales team is always up-to-date and well informed. Moreover, the familiarity and comfort with their mobile phones help them to be constantly engaged with your training program.