Brainmint | Mobile LMS Provider | Training on the go | Shezartech
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Smarter, faster training on-the-go

Brainmint is a personalised and adaptive mobile learning management system (mLMS). Available on Android and iOS platforms, the app offers insightful reports about your complete online training program. The app enables microlearning, pre & post-assessment, and gamified learning to manage, measure, and enhance the learners’ performance. The mobile LMS offers an interactive way of learning on-the-go even in offline mode.

Quick learning with My Mint
My mint offers simplified access to all eLearning courses and training modules. You can easily track the current progress of learners for a specific training program or course. The eLearning content is available in Audio, Video, JPEG, PDF, and SCORM format

Enhanced Performance

Create leaderboards to track, analyse the performance and reward top performers with badges for course completion. Introduce gamified learning and use assessments to engage the learners for better knowledge retention.
Social Learning
Promote social learning by utilising ‘Message’ and ‘Global Forum’ features to give learners seamless access to limitless knowledge. Start a new conversation or participate in an ongoing discussion to enhance collaborative learning.
Customize and Create

Reports & Analytics

Get customisable reports and run analytics on your data to measure the ROI of the training program


Ensure an immersive learning experience in the form of microlearning, bite-sized learning, gamification and more

Offline Mode

Enjoy anytime learning by downloading training content in the app and access it during poor or no internet connection

Web Integration

Brainmint mobile app is fully integrated with web-based LMS to enable seamless web experience and rapid content publishing

For More Information

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